epa08838730 (FILE) - A Russian medical worker displays a trial vaccine against COVID-19 in a post-registration phase of the test at outpatient hospital number 68 in Moscow, Russia, 17 September 2020. Russia registered the new vaccine called 'Sputnik V' against Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 and opened the stage of its massive testing (reissued 24 November 2020). AFP reports on 24 November 2020 developers of Sputnik V vaccine saying the vaccine being 95 per cent effective. The statement follows the interim second analysis by developers of trial information. EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKY *** Local Caption *** 56349350
211 nuovi casi da Covid19 in provincia di
Frosinone. 2454 i tamponi effettuati.
29 i nuovi casi a Frosinone, 21 a Sora, 15 ad
Alatri, 12 a Isola del Liri e Veroli, 11 a
Boville e Cassino, 10 a Ferentino, 6 a Castro
dei Volsci, 5 ad Anagni e Ripi. 54 i nuovi casi
negli altri comuni della provincia di Frosinone.
257 i guariti. 4 i decessi.
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